件名 :3Dデータの図面化マクロの記事を希望します。
メッセージ本文 :
やりたいことは、1つのCATPartに複数の形状セットがあり、その形状セット一つ一つをCATPart内にある座標系もしく は平面を使用し、正面視で一枚の図面に落としたいです。

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| ∟

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| ∟ 投影する形状(ワイヤー)

| ∟ 投影する形状(ワイヤー)
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Option Explicit Sub CATMain() 'テンプレデータ設定 Const hb_axis_name = "AXIS" '平面の入った形状セット名を入力 Const hb_shape_name = "SHAPE" '投影形状の入った形状セット名を入力 '各種オブジェクト定義 Dim doc As PartDocument Set doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument Dim pt As Part Set pt = doc.Part Dim sel As Selection Set sel = doc.Selection sel.Clear Dim vps As VisPropertySet Set vps = sel.VisProperties '座標系取得 Dim axs 'As AxisSystem Set axs = doc.Part.AxisSystems.Item(1) '座標系ノード内にある1つ目の座標系を取得 Dim XAxis(2), YAxis(2), ZAxis(2) Call axs.GetXAxis(XAxis) '座標系のX座標成分を取得 Call axs.GetYAxis(YAxis) '座標系のY座標成分を取得 Call axs.GetZAxis(ZAxis) '座標系のZ座標成分を取得 Dim tmpXdir1 As Double, tmpXdir2 As Double, tmpXdir3 As Double Dim tmpYdir1 As Double, tmpYdir2 As Double, tmpYdir3 As Double Dim tmpZdir1 As Double, tmpZdir2 As Double, tmpZdir3 As Double tmpXdir1 = Format(XAxis(0), "0.000") tmpXdir2 = Format(XAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のX座標成分を再取得 tmpXdir3 = Format(XAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpYdir1 = Format(YAxis(0), "0.000") tmpYdir2 = Format(YAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のY座標成分を再取得 tmpYdir3 = Format(YAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpZdir1 = Format(ZAxis(0), "0.000") tmpZdir2 = Format(ZAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のZ座標成分を再取得 tmpZdir3 = Format(ZAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 'テンプレデータ構成になっているかを確認 Dim i As Integer Dim chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean chk1 = False chk2 = False For i = 1 To pt.HybridBodies.Count If pt.HybridBodies.Item(i).Name = hb_axis_name Then chk1 = True ElseIf pt.HybridBodies.Item(i).Name = hb_shape_name Then chk2 = True End If Next i If Not (chk1 = True And chk2 = True) Then MsgBox "「" & hb_axis_name & "」、「" & hb_shape_name & "」という名称の形状セットが存在しません。" & vbLf & _ "ツリー第1階層に該当の形状セットを作成して再度実行してください。" Exit Sub End If '形状セットを定義 Dim hb_axis As HybridBody Set hb_axis = pt.HybridBodies.Item(hb_axis_name) Dim hb_shape As HybridBody Set hb_shape = pt.HybridBodies.Item(hb_shape_name) '形状セット内の平面をすべて取得 Dim Planes As Collection Set Planes = New Collection For i = 1 To hb_axis.HybridShapes.Count If InStr(1, TypeName(hb_axis.HybridShapes.Item(i)), "HybridShapePlane") = 1 Then Planes.Add hb_axis.HybridShapes.Item(i) End If Next i '投影形状の入った形状セットをすべて非表示化 For i = 1 To hb_shape.HybridBodies.Count sel.Add hb_shape.HybridBodies.Item(i) Next i vps.SetShow catVisPropertyNoShowAttr sel.Clear '新規CATDrawingを作成 Dim drwdoc As DrawingDocument Set drwdoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Drawing") 'シート定義 Dim sht As DrawingSheet Set sht = drwdoc.Sheets.ActiveSheet 'ビュー作成 + ワイヤー投影 sel.Add hb_shape vps.SetShow catVisPropertyShowAttr For i = 1 To hb_shape.HybridBodies.Count Dim hb As HybridBody Set hb = hb_shape.HybridBodies.Item(i) 'Planes(コレクション)内にあるhbの投影方向となる平面を定義 Dim pln 'As Plane Dim j As Integer For j = 1 To Planes.Count If InStr(1, hb.Name, Planes.Item(j).Name) = 1 Then Set pln = Planes.Item(j) End If Next j Dim FirstAxis(2), SecondAxis(2) Call pln.GetFirstAxis(FirstAxis) '平面成分1を取得 Call pln.GetSecondAxis(SecondAxis) '平面成分2を取得 Dim tmpFirstAxis1 As Double, tmpFirstAxis2 As Double, tmpFirstAxis3 As Double, _ tmpSecondAxis1 As Double, tmpSecondAxis2 As Double, tmpSecondAxis3 As Double tmpFirstAxis1 = Format(FirstAxis(0), "0.000") tmpFirstAxis2 = Format(FirstAxis(1), "0.000") '平面成分1を再取得 tmpFirstAxis3 = Format(FirstAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpSecondAxis1 = Format(SecondAxis(0), "0.000") tmpSecondAxis2 = Format(SecondAxis(1), "0.000") '平面成分2を再取得 tmpSecondAxis3 = Format(SecondAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 '投影する形状セットを表示 sel.Clear sel.Add hb vps.SetShow catVisPropertyShowAttr 'ビュー作成 Dim vw_name As String vw_name = hb.Name Dim vw As DrawingView Set vw = sht.Views.Add(vw_name) 'DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior定義 Dim vgb As DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior Set vgb = vw.GenerativeBehavior Dim pro As Product Set pro = doc.GetItem(pt.Name) vgb.Document = pro '形状投影(座標系の方向別に条件分岐) If tmpXdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系Z方向 If tmpYdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), YAxis(0), YAxis(1), YAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpZdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), YAxis(0), YAxis(1), YAxis(2)) End If ElseIf tmpYdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系X方向 If tmpZdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(-YAxis(0), -YAxis(1), -YAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpXdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(YAxis(0), -YAxis(1), YAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) End If ElseIf tmpZdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系Y方向 If tmpXdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpYdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) End If End If 'ビュープロパティ定義 vw.X = 100 * i 'ビュー X座標 vw.Y = 100 'ビュー X座標 vw.[Scale] = 1 'ビュー スケール 'ビュー更新 Set vgb = vw.GenerativeBehavior vgb.Update '投影した形状セットを非表示 sel.Add hb vps.SetShow catVisPropertyNoShowAttr Next i sht.Activate 'シートを全表示(リフレーム) Dim win As Window Set win = CATIA.Windows.Item(CATIA.Windows.Count) Dim vwr As Viewer Set vwr = win.Viewers.Item(1) vwr.Reframe End Sub |
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'テンプレデータ設定 Const hb_axis_name = "AXIS" '平面の入った形状セット名を入力 Const hb_shape_name = "SHAPE" '投影形状の入った形状セット名を入力 |
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'各種オブジェクト定義 Dim doc As PartDocument Set doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument Dim pt As Part Set pt = doc.Part Dim sel As Selection Set sel = doc.Selection sel.Clear Dim vps As VisPropertySet Set vps = sel.VisProperties |
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'座標系取得 Dim axs 'As AxisSystem Set axs = doc.Part.AxisSystems.Item(1) '座標系ノード内にある1つ目の座標系を取得 Dim XAxis(2), YAxis(2), ZAxis(2) Call axs.GetXAxis(XAxis) '座標系のX座標成分を取得 Call axs.GetYAxis(YAxis) '座標系のY座標成分を取得 Call axs.GetZAxis(ZAxis) '座標系のZ座標成分を取得 Dim tmpXdir1 As Double, tmpXdir2 As Double, tmpXdir3 As Double Dim tmpYdir1 As Double, tmpYdir2 As Double, tmpYdir3 As Double Dim tmpZdir1 As Double, tmpZdir2 As Double, tmpZdir3 As Double tmpXdir1 = Format(XAxis(0), "0.000") tmpXdir2 = Format(XAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のX座標成分を再取得 tmpXdir3 = Format(XAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpYdir1 = Format(YAxis(0), "0.000") tmpYdir2 = Format(YAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のY座標成分を再取得 tmpYdir3 = Format(YAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpZdir1 = Format(ZAxis(0), "0.000") tmpZdir2 = Format(ZAxis(1), "0.000") '座標系のZ座標成分を再取得 tmpZdir3 = Format(ZAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 |
テンプレデータ構成になっているかを確認 + 形状セットを定義
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'テンプレデータ構成になっているかを確認 Dim i As Integer Dim chk1 As Boolean, chk2 As Boolean chk1 = False chk2 = False For i = 1 To pt.HybridBodies.Count If pt.HybridBodies.Item(i).Name = hb_axis_name Then chk1 = True ElseIf pt.HybridBodies.Item(i).Name = hb_shape_name Then chk2 = True End If Next i If Not (chk1 = True And chk2 = True) Then MsgBox "「" & hb_axis_name & "」、「" & hb_shape_name & "」という名称の形状セットが存在しません。" & vbLf & _ "ツリー第1階層に該当の形状セットを作成して再度実行してください。" Exit Sub End If '形状セットを定義 Dim hb_axis As HybridBody Set hb_axis = pt.HybridBodies.Item(hb_axis_name) Dim hb_shape As HybridBody Set hb_shape = pt.HybridBodies.Item(hb_shape_name) |
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'形状セット内の平面をすべて取得 Dim Planes As Collection Set Planes = New Collection For i = 1 To hb_axis.HybridShapes.Count If InStr(1, TypeName(hb_axis.HybridShapes.Item(i)), "HybridShapePlane") = 1 Then Planes.Add hb_axis.HybridShapes.Item(i) End If Next i |
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'投影形状の入った形状セットをすべて非表示化 For i = 1 To hb_shape.HybridBodies.Count sel.Add hb_shape.HybridBodies.Item(i) Next i vps.SetShow catVisPropertyNoShowAttr sel.Clear |
新規CATDrawingを作成 + シート定義
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'新規CATDrawingを作成 Dim drwdoc As DrawingDocument Set drwdoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Drawing") 'シート定義 Dim sht As DrawingSheet Set sht = drwdoc.Sheets.ActiveSheet |
ビュー作成 + ワイヤー投影
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'ビュー作成 + ワイヤー投影 sel.Add hb_shape vps.SetShow catVisPropertyShowAttr For i = 1 To hb_shape.HybridBodies.Count Dim hb As HybridBody Set hb = hb_shape.HybridBodies.Item(i) 'Planes(コレクション)内にあるhbの投影方向となる平面を定義 Dim pln 'As Plane Dim j As Integer For j = 1 To Planes.Count If InStr(1, hb.Name, Planes.Item(j).Name) = 1 Then Set pln = Planes.Item(j) End If Next j Dim FirstAxis(2), SecondAxis(2) Call pln.GetFirstAxis(FirstAxis) '平面成分1を取得 Call pln.GetSecondAxis(SecondAxis) '平面成分2を取得 Dim tmpFirstAxis1 As Double, tmpFirstAxis2 As Double, tmpFirstAxis3 As Double, _ tmpSecondAxis1 As Double, tmpSecondAxis2 As Double, tmpSecondAxis3 As Double tmpFirstAxis1 = Format(FirstAxis(0), "0.000") tmpFirstAxis2 = Format(FirstAxis(1), "0.000") '平面成分1を再取得 tmpFirstAxis3 = Format(FirstAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 tmpSecondAxis1 = Format(SecondAxis(0), "0.000") tmpSecondAxis2 = Format(SecondAxis(1), "0.000") '平面成分2を再取得 tmpSecondAxis3 = Format(SecondAxis(2), "0.000") '取得した成分を有効数字0.000に変換 '投影する形状セットを表示 sel.Clear sel.Add hb vps.SetShow catVisPropertyShowAttr 'ビュー作成 Dim vw_name As String vw_name = hb.Name Dim vw As DrawingView Set vw = sht.Views.Add(vw_name) 'DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior定義 Dim vgb As DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior Set vgb = vw.GenerativeBehavior Dim pro As Product Set pro = doc.GetItem(pt.Name) vgb.Document = pro '形状投影(座標系の方向別に条件分岐) If tmpXdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系Z方向 If tmpYdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), YAxis(0), YAxis(1), YAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpZdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), YAxis(0), YAxis(1), YAxis(2)) End If ElseIf tmpYdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系X方向 If tmpZdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(-YAxis(0), -YAxis(1), -YAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpXdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(YAxis(0), -YAxis(1), YAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) End If ElseIf tmpZdir1 = tmpFirstAxis1 And tmpZdir2 = tmpFirstAxis2 And tmpZdir3 = tmpFirstAxis3 Then '座標系Y方向 If tmpXdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpXdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpXdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) ElseIf tmpYdir1 = tmpSecondAxis1 And tmpYdir2 = tmpSecondAxis2 And tmpYdir3 = tmpSecondAxis3 Then Call vgb.DefineFrontView(XAxis(0), XAxis(1), XAxis(2), ZAxis(0), ZAxis(1), ZAxis(2)) End If End If 'ビュープロパティ定義 vw.X = 100 * i 'ビュー X座標 vw.Y = 100 'ビュー X座標 vw.[Scale] = 1 'ビュー スケール 'ビュー更新 Set vgb = vw.GenerativeBehavior vgb.Update '投影した形状セットを非表示 sel.Add hb vps.SetShow catVisPropertyNoShowAttr Next i sht.Activate |
② ①で取得した平面の2成分(平面のH方向とV方向)を取得
③ 投影する形状セットを表示
④ ビュー作成
⑤ 座標系の成分と②で取得した成分より、投影方向を指定
⑥ ビューに形状を投影(⑤の方向)
⑦ ビュープロパティの指定(ビューの位置やスケールの指定)
⑧ ビューの更新
⑨ 投影した形状セットを非表示
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'シートを全表示(リフレーム) Dim win As Window Set win = CATIA.Windows.Item(CATIA.Windows.Count) Dim vwr As Viewer Set vwr = win.Viewers.Item(1) vwr.Reframe |